Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) is dedicated to reducing the number of homeless animals in Northern Alberta, Canada

We believe that there is a suitable home for all homeless animals: young or old; large or small.

As a volunteer-run, registered charity, we care for these animals by providing veterinary care and foster homes for animals in need until a permanent home is found. These private foster homes provide the animals with warm shelter, food, exercise, and tender loving care (something that so many of the animals we receive have never experienced).

SCARS does not practice selective intake procedures and operates in a triage manner: taking the animal in most medical need first. As a result our medical expenses are enormous. Please consider donating to our rescue efforts.

Look At Us Now!

To date, SCARS has rescued and rehomed over 3,000 animals.

Because these animals live in our homes, we deveop a very deep bond with our fosters. Many of the adoptive families keep us updated on how well their new companions are thriving in their new homes.

To all the wonderful foster homes, all the tireless volunteers, all the compassionate furever-homes: we say a heartfelt thank-you!

Please support your local rescue society and consider adoption as opposed to buying your new friend.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Dexter (Runter)

Well November 15th was my day to find my companion!

I went to an animal rescue shelter for SCARS Second Chance Animal Rescue Society. Well to my surprise I came accross the most adorable 7 week old Bordie Collie x named Runter. He is light brown as his primry color with black facial features and a white belly. He was the smallest of the litter and weighs no more than 2lbs. He is a bungle of energy when he's not sleeping which is most of the time. In the 4 and a half days hes been home theres been 2 minor pee and only becase we did not make it outside fast enough......

I have encluded a few pictures to introduce you to our new puppy and his name is Dexter - he's my new male partner in crime...lol So far we have practiced getting use to that darn collar and leash, I get bribbed with great treats so it's not all bad, I watch t.v with the adults after our walks around the house, I stay inside pretty much all the time atleast till my shots are up to date, and the only time I get to go outside is well you know... I'm confimed to a 4ft x 4ft area which is easire to find in the dark arff. I love car rides and even went to the bank and grocery store stuffed inside my owners coat,,who knows maybe he was cold...Just wanted to say thank-you to all of you for taking care of me till I got my house with the fireplace cause it's gonna get cold..

Ciao for now and let me know if you received my 8x10 glossy head shots xoxoxo

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