Hey everyone,
Here I am just a little over 2 months later in my forever home. I have discovered so many things which include stairs (which I used to be scared of), toys (didn't know what to do with them at first) and my own yard (I just love the fresh powder after it snows!) . I've become quite the social guy at the dog park. I also like watching TV, although when there are shows with dogs (even my SCARS buddies on Saturday mornings) I get a bit excited when I hear them bark.
Thank you SCARS for rescuing me!
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Doc (Ernie)
Thanks to SCARS for this adorable dog that, despite being almost 100 pounds and 7 months old, was still just a puppy when we got him. He's adapted really well to life with our other dog and a house kitten that would very easily fit in his mouth. He's very gentle and never hurts other animals. He was a little horse shy at the beginning, but now he feels really comfortable around horses. Doc is a gentle giant and my 3-year-old boy loves to play with him.
Thanks again.
Friday, 10 April 2009
It is certainly time for an update as Lauper is almost a year old now. She has been a part of our family since June 2008.
I must say "thank you so much" to SCARS and Lauper’s foster parents for letting us welcome Lauper into our home. She has offered so much love and asks for so very little in return.
When Lauper first came home, I have to admit, I was shocked at what an impact she made and I questioned if I’d made the right decision in adopting my first dog. Just like a new baby, no one can really tell you exactly what it’ll be like.
After about two weeks, Lauper adjusted to our schedule and house training began progressing slowly. She instantly became best friends with her four legged pal Mugsy whom she often mistakes for another dog while playing and chasing him around the house. Although I was concerned that her “playing” with the cat was too rough, I was assured by our vet that the cat would run away if he was being hurt. I decided to trust this and the two have formed a great bond and often lay together with me on the couch. Lauper is very jealous when Mugsy gets attention and she is left out so it is usually cat and dog laying on me. Although the play gets quite rowdy at times, Lauper is a gem and listens so well when told to stop.
Lauper’s other best friend comes in the form of a two legged seven year old who has fallen head over heals for his very best friend. My son has adapted to being a big brother and takes on the responsibility of walking her and playing with her as often as possible. I often find the two of them playing in my son's room where Lauper has taken on the role of some imaginary character. My son is so happy to have the puppy he has always wanted that he is now asking when we can get another one.
Lauper has stolen the hearts of her grandma and grandpa too, who spoil her with treats when she is at the cabin. She has to stay on a leash out there though as the open space gives her ideas about running and not coming back when called. This is strange as when she is off leash anywhere else, she listens so well and does not run away. Must be the call of the wild…
Her favorite hang out is the dog park where she runs and plays so nicely with all the other dogs. She is quite timid and is instantly submissive when approached by another dog, and so long as they are friendly, Lauper is happy to play. Her favorite time is playing at the dog park and with the mention of the word park; she begins her whimper tantrum until she can jump out of the car and play.
Another favorite hang out of hers is coming to school with me. Luckily, being able to bring Lauper to school with me has provided her with a home away from home. She loves being in class with the students and is excellent at staying in her crate when it’s work time. Her favorite time is running around the classroom from student to student soaking up all the attention they give her.
I am absolutely pleased with Lauper as she is very good dog. She is attentive and listens well. She is bright and eager to please. She is fully house trained and has not had an accident for months. She demonstrates only one fault and that is jumping up to say hello to anyone new, but we’re working on that one. I could not imagine her not being a part of our family now, and wonder how I went so long without her. Her best trick is when asked for a kiss, she gives me one and when I ask her to give my son a kiss, she kisses his face non stop. He giggles and she just keeps going. The happiness she has brought to our family is priceless.
Thank you!
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Hi to all the wonderful people at SCARS,
It has already been 6 months since I moved to my forever home. I was a timid girl when I first moved in and it took a few weeks to get used to the idea that I could eat everything in my bowl, and know that the next meal would always come. I now live near to an off‐leash park and have made many new friends. I like to wrestle and play chase with the younger ones, and learn some grown‐up things from the older ones.
My family took me to my first obedience class just before the winter set in, and I think my family learned a lot. They tell me that I have a few more things to learn, so I will be going to school again later this year to hone up my skills. I have decided that I really like playing in the snow, even on some of those very cold days, but I am looking forward to new things to smell and explore when spring comes along.
My foster Mom was pretty close when she said I was just about perfect. But she was
right on the money when she imagined that some day I would be snuggled up with a
little human girl some day. That’s because I have a big sister who gives me all the
hugs and love that every dog deserves.
I send my thanks to all you hard working folk at SCARS for making my new life so
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Kimmi (Kemo)
Hi everyone, my name was Kemo but I'm Kimmi now. I thought I'd let you know what's happening since I got adopted. I got my forever home in November 2007. Andrea told my new family that I was a lovable dog who didn't get up on the furniture... well she was right about one thing... I am a lovable dog. On the way to my new home I had a bit of a "gas" problem but my new parents just opened the windows and kept me anyway. I eventually got over the gas. I think I was just scared. I have my own bedroom that I adopted the first night I was here. I sleep on mom and dad's bed for a while then I go to my own room until it's time to get them up in the morning. I like my dad a lot, he takes me to the park and for truck rides, but my mom is my favorite. I cry when I see her car pull into the driveway. I'll do anything for her.
I have a really big back yard and I have a wonderful (sometimes) brother. I let him think he's in charge. The two of us get to ride in the truck and go to the off leash park for a big walk every day.
We have Christmas parties and birthday parties and I even get presents. I now have a big collection of squeaky bunnies and I bring one to mom and dad every time they come home. "Green Bunny" is my favorite.
In the summer we go to the lake for two months and I get to go walking, boating and swimming every day. I think I am a very lucky girl.
Thanks, SCARS for finding me the best home ever.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
JoJo, Cheryl, Peter, Kimber-Lee, Rosie, and Sofee
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Well it has been about 9 weeks since my girlfriend adopted Sarah from Second Chance. She is really doing well at the acreage and has come out of most of her shyness. She is still shy with strangers, especially men, but warms up quickly especially upon the 2nd meeting. She used to be shy in the mornings but not anymore. Usually she does not let me out of her sight all day long. She loves her car and truck rides. She is getting very good at dancing especially if there is something extra in her food such as steak or hamburger. She used to gobble down her food with reckless abandon but is now way more relaxed and sometimes even leaves some leftovers for a snack later. She loves her toys but does take them outside on occasion and loses them when she gets distracted by deer in the yard. Oh well, spring will be here soon enough and I am sure we will find them along with other hidden treasures. She has really made a welcome addition.
A lot of people that we encounter are even famialr with Sarah from Global news and have seen her before. So hats off to the folks at SCARS and keep up the good work. I will keep you posted of her triumphs and tribulations!
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Hello there,
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to adopt a wonderful dog. I was at your Pet Adoption Day on Jan 9 /09, and met all the wonderful dogs and amazing people in your organization. Once I got to know Josie a little, I knew that she was the match for me. She has bonded with me quite well, and has virtually never left my side since I adopted her. She is a wonderful dog and is learning quite well. She does have a few bad habits, but with patience and time she is getting rid of those. I am grateful to have been able to help her out and your organization. I have attached some photos of her and will keep you updated on her progress.
Thanks Again,
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Good evening,
My name is Nicole and we just adopted Belinda yesterday. I wanted to express our gratitude to you, your volunteers and others that help the animals in need. Please read a little about us.
Eleven years ago my husband and I gave up trying to have a baby and set out to adopt a dog. After several attempts we didn't find one that suited us. Several months went by and a friend mentioned that someone they knew was just going to take their dog to the SPCA due to a move they were making in their lives that made keeping their dog impossible. I sent my son, Michael, and husband to take a look and they returned home with our first family dog "Goldie." Shortly after we became pregnant with our 2nd son "Arthur."
Goldie was so much a part of our lives it was hard to think of her ever leaving but the time came and as painful as it was to let her go, we had to. This happened October 26th with not much warning. Michael, myself and a close friend came and we laid with "Goldie" while she fell fast asleep in our arms. Arthur was reasonably upset and wanted to do a fundraiser for cancer awareness with dogs. As much as I wanted to encourage him, I felt it was important to support already established needs such as SCARS and I showed him the web site. I even told him that perhaps after Christmas or in the spring we would adopt a dog from SCARS.
Christmas came and went. On January 20th my husband and I started the journey to search for another family member to join us. We walked into a pet store with several puppies in the window (which caught our eye while driving down the street) and spotted a few that might suit us. The decision needed to be made right away from the store and we didn't want to feel rushed... and perhaps a pet store purchase just didn't feel "right."
January 22, 2009. My son Arthur has a dental appointment and I tell him afterwords we are going to the Vet Office where "Goldie" was put to sleep to pick up her paw print, which we had made for our Christmas tree. We walked in and saw the SCARS calendar for sale and Arthur looked at me knowing full well we were going to buy it - no ifs, ands or butts. Then walks in Deb from SCARS holding this precious black bundle of love. I couldn't help myself and I ask how old "her" dog is. She tells me the age and that the dog is looking for a home. All of a sudden Arthur and I looked at each other and that was "it." I held her and then Arthur held her. No going back now. We knew then it felt "right." We then finally spoke with the receptionist and explained why we were there. Upon receiving the "paw" print, I asked Deb for her card and phone numbers, took a photo of her with Belinda and then rushed home.
When we got home, I showed my husband and older son and we were all in agreement. I called Deb and told her there was NO doubt that we already loved Belinda and our home was ready for her. It has now been 24 hours and she's not been a minute out of my sight or my heart. We've renamed her "Abby" and she sure seems settled in.
I want to, again, express my gratitude for doing what you and everyone else does for these animals. If it weren't for you, our family would not be complete again. You will always have our support, if not financially then with our voices and hearts. We hope to see you more on Global.
Nicole, Art, Michael, Arthur jr. Taz (the cat) and of course... Abby.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Ronan (Panda)
I am writing this letter as a thank you for the wonderful family members that SCARS has provided for us over the last couple of years. It all started when my fiance and I were searching for a purebred dog to join our family. In the process, we stumbled across the SCARS website. Over the next few months, I would look at the website almost daily dreaming of the day when we could finally get a dog (we we’re waiting for our house to be built). Shortly after moving into our new home, the website posted some puppies brought into SCARS care. I immediately fell in love with a little puppy named Panda. Once he was old enough, we brought him home and named him Ronon. He was an excellent starter puppy, very willing to learn and loved our other four leggers (two cats and two lizards). Ronon was such a joy to raise that, once he was a year old, we began the search for another puppy to join our family so that Ronon could have a little baby brother. After the wonderful luck we had with SCARS we thought we’d begin our search there again. Well it didn’t take long before another adorable puppy caught our eye. His name was Salem and he was born into the care of SCARS. We called immediately to inquire about him and a couple weeks before Christmas we were able to bring him home. We named him Rodney. Training Rodney has been even easier then training Ronon. Rodney is Ronon’s little shadow and wants to do everything that his big brother can do. At three months old he can already sit, wait, come, lay down, shake a paw, bedtime, and if he was big enough he’d jump in the car when he was told (although he tries to very hard). When Ronon was 6 months old we did a long drive to BC and spent a great week camping, hiking and enjoying the water. Now we are looking forward to doing it again this year with both of our wonderful boys. Long story short… Thank you SCARS for letting us have the joy of having Ronon (formerly Panda) and Rodney (formerly Salem) in our lives. I can’t imagine life without our fur babies.
-Amber, Rich, and the rest of our four legged family
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
I was looking at purchasing a puppy from breeders when some friends of mine told me about SCARS. They had adopted a beautiful puppy who had a really hard life early on. After seeing him and how well he had healed and adjusted to their home and family, I looked into SCARS. During this time, I had also just found out that my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and would be starting chemotherapy as well as having surgery later on. I was stressed and worn down from all the extended family worrying and also from my own thoughts of "what if". But even with that going on, I was still set on adopting a dog. So I contacted SCARS and then went to an adoption day at Tailz and found my blessing.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Without your wonderful society we wouldn't have our Dog LEO. We adopted Leo in January 2006. 12 weeks old at the time....he is now 3 years old. A smart, spirited, high energy dog who loves to run, hike, swim and anything else that has to do with the outdoors. This is great for our lifestyle! During days that aren't great for the outdoors, Leo loves to do tricks for treats or play hide and seek in the house. He enjoys to cuddle and a nice massage or being groomed is great in his mind. I never thought it would be comforting to have a dog share my pillow.
Friday, 2 January 2009
Asylum (Layne)
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Bramble (Beatrice)
Thought it was time I updated you on Bramble’s progress. Since adopting her in August she’s come a long way but is still very shy with strangers. She’s very bonded to me and will try to follow me wherever I go. She absolutely loves her walks and that’s where her real personality comes out – she can relax and just be the young dog she is. Her favourite outing is to go tobogganing with the two little boys in her family – she races them down the hill and then runs back and forth while they slowly make their way back up. She’s very bright and caught on to the tasks in obedience school quickly. And while she hasn’t yet convinced the family cat that he should play with her, she keeps trying. Her best buddy is another SCARS adoptee who lives 5 houses down from us on the block – they’ve had many a happy day having a play-date in our backyard. While I know that Bramble will probably never fully overcome her fears, she’s still a wonderful addition to our house who makes us laugh with her enthusiasm for snow, stuffies and peanut butter.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Thank-you SCARS for giving us the chance to welcome SweetPea into our family!
She really fits in with our household. And she loves her new sister and brother. She loves to cuddle up with them on the couch and take a nice nap. In the mornings, she will sit beside me and put her paws on my shoulders and give me a hug, and it melts my heart. She also gives A LOT of kisses to everyone who will accept them. Even the cat. SweetPea also enjoys truck rides and just about bursts at the seams when she knows it's time to go driving. She likes to look out the window and bark at the birds. SweetPea has made our little family complete and we love her deeply.
Thank you SCARS.
SweetPea and Susan
Stella (Abby)
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Nikki (AKA Tuff, Niko)
Niki is four now and the vet is so amazed at his progress. He is my constant companion.
Thank you all for your tireless work!
Wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2009.
Christie and Niki
May 29, 2008

It all started when I kept trying to ‘steal’ my daughter’s beautiful dog ‘Sasha!’ My daughter told me to get my own dog! My younger daughter, Kimi, discovered SCARS and said she was amazed at the variety of pups and dogs on this rescue site! I didn’t want a new puppy, they were easy to adopt, I wanted a dog that would be a great guard dog, large, tough and powerful.
I am so grateful for the patience SCARS has with dogs like him. When Niko was rescued, for the second time, he was too close to being sent to canine-heaven; they came in the nick of time.
The next day, we started our walks with a full harness, halter and collar, and I attached Niki to my waist with three leads. There was no way this would happen again! I would be ready! As soon as he saw another dog and started to growl, I gave him the very sharp and stern “LEAVE IT!” command. I made sure I was prepared and he knew I meant business. After months of walks, love, talking, love, commands, treats, love, training, love, treats, consistency, and building trust day in, day out, I realized I have a comical canine genius, who is 100% protective, wanting so much to please me. He is loyal, loving, neat and tidy (but I can’t get him to vacuum), great in the car, extremely Mr. Prefect in the house (not so much outside) but improving every day!
I can hardly wait to come home daily so we can play. I had to go to Sleep Country to buy a larger better bed, so we could both be more comfy! (YES really!) He follows me everywhere when I am home. (I’m at home a lot more than ever before because of my sweet Niki!) He has a new girlfriend next door. He adores my daughter and her boyfriend. He has a bed in almost every room and the best organic food money can buy.
So although my right arm is three inches longer than my left, it is no big deal. I can help reach for the cans at the top shelf at the store, so it’s all okay!
Niki would never be the right dog for every family, but he is the perfect dog for me. I am crazy about him. He may protect me, but I will protect him too! He will always have his freedom with me. He will never be chained up again, he will never be hurt in any way, and though he is still head-shy and ducks as I walk by to pat him, I lift his sweet face and let him give me kisses and eventually the pain of the past will start to fade as the love he is getting comes to the surface and drowns the memories he never deserved in the first place.
Hi my name is Sox and I would like to update you on my forever home.
Friday, 19 December 2008
Sage (Pebbles)
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Tug (Tuxedo)
Hi everyone @ Scars,
Just dropping you a line to say Merry Christmas to all at the shelter. I have been living the life of Riley out here on the farm. It is so fun to just run and run and run. I have been at my forever home for over a year now, and have met some new friends. My very bestest friend is my new dog brother Charlie. He is an old, and I mean old, Basset hound. He dosn't move very fast, so I wait for him at the door, and try to get him to run, but with not to much luck. We have separate dog bed's in Mom and Dad's room, but we prefur to sleep together. We have become inseperalbe. I have met the neighbours. One morning in the summer, I was outside when it thundered, and I bolted. I went right on into there kitchen. By the way... I can open doors, if you were wondering. I am so scared of thunder, it is not funny. Mom and Dad do their best if we have grey skies, they head me right for the door if I am outside, or don't let me out if I am inside. I just sit there and shake. Other than that, I mow the lawn's with grandpa, herd the kids on the quad, been boating, herd the horses around, and sit outside by the firepit in the summer, and wait for the hotdog's to come my way.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Merry Christmas everyone and a special hello to Sylvia from Flora and family.
Flora has had a wonderful year of fun and adventure- swimming with her new life jacket, going bird hunting with her dad, camping all over Alberta. She is coming to Jasper for Christmas with her best friend and canine brother Basil, since we had such a great time there hiking and playing in the snow last year. She is looking forward to a new obedience training session starting in January. She is truly our little gem and we are grateful for her every day. Here are some recent photos of her. Take care all the best to all of you and to all the SCARS animals in 2009.
Cailin and Andrew
May 8, 2008

Take care,
Flora, Basil, Cailin and Andrew
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Blackie has been such a welcome addition to our family. We feel so fortunate to have been able to make him part of our lives. He is so well behaved and so eager to please. Blackie and I have started running twice a day (although running may be the wrong word as often there are very interesting things that require sniffing along the way) and the ravine by our house provides endless opportunity for exploration. We have established a routine and are settling in wonderfully.
I have attached just a couple pictures and will update you in the future!
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Hello My name is Heidi and we adopted Hope July of 2007. We just wanted to let you know that she is doing great, she is such a wonderful friendly girl. She loves going to the dog park and chasing after sticks for hours. She is learning how to catch a Frisbee and in January we are going to start agility classes. She came on vacation with us last summer and got to go swimming a lot and made lots of new friends. She gets so much love and affection everyday and she makes us laugh everyday.
Thank you SCARS for all the hard work you do and thank you Brianna and Ryan (Hopes foster Parents) for training her so well. We are so greatful to have found such a perfect match for us.
Thank you,
Heidi and Jamie
Monday, 24 November 2008
I just wanted to give you an update on Miss Leah. She is doing very well and has my mom trained to suit her needs. Leah has decided she needs to sleep in the house at night and causes a fuss until my mom lets her in. She is not allowed in the living room, but has wrangled her way into the bedroom during thunderstorms!! At bedtime she has no desire to sleep in her princess bed. The back entry is just fine (although the cat disagrees). She is such great company for my mom.
Of course, Leah still comes over to our place to play with the boys and set them straight. Our friend's guide dog took a shine to Leah this summer. We laughed that the city boy fell for the rough and tumble country girl. At first Leah was oblivious to Bennett's advances, but now they are buddies.
Leah is very comfortable in our house thanks to my husband Mark. I took this picture of Leah on the couch as blackmail. If my mom finds out we let her up on the couch we will be in big trouble!!
Leah keeps us on our toes and certainly puts a smile on our face. She is a great addition to our family.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Dexter (Runter)
Well November 15th was my day to find my companion!
I went to an animal rescue shelter for SCARS Second Chance Animal Rescue Society. Well to my surprise I came accross the most adorable 7 week old Bordie Collie x named Runter. He is light brown as his primry color with black facial features and a white belly. He was the smallest of the litter and weighs no more than 2lbs. He is a bungle of energy when he's not sleeping which is most of the time. In the 4 and a half days hes been home theres been 2 minor pee and only becase we did not make it outside fast enough......
I have encluded a few pictures to introduce you to our new puppy and his name is Dexter - he's my new male partner in crime...lol So far we have practiced getting use to that darn collar and leash, I get bribbed with great treats so it's not all bad, I watch t.v with the adults after our walks around the house, I stay inside pretty much all the time atleast till my shots are up to date, and the only time I get to go outside is well you know... I'm confimed to a 4ft x 4ft area which is easire to find in the dark arff. I love car rides and even went to the bank and grocery store stuffed inside my owners coat,,who knows maybe he was cold...Just wanted to say thank-you to all of you for taking care of me till I got my house with the fireplace cause it's gonna get cold..
Ciao for now and let me know if you received my 8x10 glossy head shots xoxoxo
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Kaiser, Pekoe
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Hello Friends at SCARS!
My name is Cyrus, my “mommy & daddy” adopted me on September 6, 2008 from my foster mom Shelly. My “mommy” is having a little difficulty downloading some of the pictures of me, but hopefully she can have that rectified shortly and send them in.
My first few days at my “furever home” took some getting used to. I was very well behaved but would not play with any of my toys, go on my big orthopedic doggie bed, let my “daddy” take pictures of me and I gobbled down all my food as if it were my last meal.
After some begging and pleading on my “mommy’s” part, I laid down on my bed the second night. Although she had to lay down on it first (it’s really big, I think she misjudged how big I was when she bought it, we both fit on it comfortably). Now, when I know my “mom” is heading up to bed I run up after her and immediately plant myself on my bed. In the morning when my “daddy” gets up for work I take his spot in his bed. Ssshh, it’s a secret!
It took almost a full month for me to play with my toys and I would only play when my “mom” started it. I am now happy to report that I will grab a toy and engage my “mom” in a game of tug-a-war, catch-me-if-you-can, fetch and something my “mom” calls “give me that squeaky”.
For a Labrador retriever/pit bull cross, I am the biggest cuddle bug. Although I weight 40lbs that does not stop me from laying on my “mom” while she’s in the recliner watching tv. My “dad” calls me a cat. I am also as quiet as a cat. My “mom” thinks I may have been hit for barking, so she’s slowly trying to teach me that it is okay to bark, especially when someone is at the door or if I hear a strange noise.
I am a very quick learner, I know how to sit, shake paw, high five, stay, dance and “walk”. When my mom says “walk” I immediately run for my leash and sit by the front door. I also know how to smile. Yes, smile! Although my mom didn’t teach me this. When my parents have been away for a period of time and they come home, I meet them at the door and smile. I lift up the corner of my mouth exposing my teeth before I jump up to say hello. My “mom” says that it’s the oddest and cutest thing she has ever seen.
I want to thank all of the people at SCARS and especially my foster mom Shelly for rescuing me and taking such good care of me before my parents came along. Because I am such a good boy people are always asking my “mom” where I came from, she immediately sends them to SCARS.
Thank heaven for all you angels!
Cyrus, Lilyia and Greg.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Pumpkin and Maggie

I am so thankful and grateful to SCARS for saving these two dogs. They are members of our family and we are blessed to have them in our lives.
Hi my name is Stephanie , I adopted Autumn (she is your Miss September in your calender) almost a year ago now.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Hello Friends at SCARS,
Just wanted to give you guys an update on how fantastic it has been since Jeckyl came into our lives! We adopted Jeckyl (after much begging and pleading on my end) on May 27th, 2008 and he has been spectacular ever since!
He is ridiculously high energy but that couldn’t have been better because it has forced us into a healthier lifestyle change that is full of 3-5 walks a day! He is always entertaining and actually just finished a huge adventure with me. Every Friday morning to Sunday night for 6 week-ends in a row the two of us would fly out to Kelowna to be trained by Brad Pattison so that I could become a Certified Educator Trainer for dogs and their families. Jeckyl was absolutely the BEST “textbook” I ever could have asked for because although he challenged me every step of the way he helped me to learn so very much. The changes I have seen since our 6 week-ends in Kelowna is amazing. He is a calmer and much more respectful dog! He became so well rounded with our trips out to Kelowna every week-end! The airports loved him and the moment they would see his big ears walking towards the “Oversized Backage” area I could hear people yelling “IT’S JECKYL, JECKYL’S BACK!” and they are all so excited to be able to hang out with him until we would board our plane.
My husband and I have also just bought a house with a nice big backyard for Jeckyl and Darren makes fun of me all the time saying we bought a bigger house to accommodate our big dog! And that is partially true but I think when you love something like your pet so much you will go out of your way to accommodate them! Darren who was so apposed to a dog in the beginning absolutely LOVES Jeckyl and every now and then I catch them cuddling together on the floor both asleep!
Jeckyl’s picture has also made the world wide web and can be seen on Brad’s website below:
We are very thankful for the foster family that had Jeckyl before us as they did an unbelievable job preparing him for us. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog and hope that every dog placed with SCARS finds a loving home.
Thank-you so much!
Sara, Darren and Jeckyl
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Sachee (Versace)
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Gunner (AKA Goliath)
It is just over a year now since we adopted Gunnar (or Goliath) from you, and we'd love to update. Gunnar is personality PLUS! We have gone from taking a cautious "alpha" male to owning a 130 lb. dog that thinks he's a pomeranian ~ no one can escape him trying to climb on your lap for a cuddle! He has become quite the town celebrity, as a normal 30 min walk generally takes over an hour, because EVERYONE wants to visit with this gentle giant. (They aren't nearly as thrilled to see us..hahaha). There isn't a week that goes by that we don't have offers to adopt him. (We could've fostered 5 dogs like him and found great homes for ALL of them) He has really become an ambassador, and can usually be found riding in the work truck as a "Silent Patrollman", going for a walk doing "cat clean-up", or taking up an entire queen-size bed. What can we say.... we lucked out. He is really a joy to have around, and again we thank you for the wonderful job you do.
Sterling & Amber
July 5, 2007
This is a little update on our new family member, Gunnar (formerly GOLIATH). "The Big Guns" as he is known around the block has been with us for 2 weeks. We cannot tell you how happy we are! Gunnar has blended right in with our family ~ including his new "sister" Tikka. He is so incredibly patient with her and her puppy antics....and occasionally he lets her know when he's had enough!
We weren't given a whole bunch of information on Gunnar, because no one really knew a lot about him. What we DO know, even after this short time is that he is a big PUPPY! He is wanting to play all the time, and (lucky for us) he doesn't know his own strength! He likes to soak up a lot of attention, but he's learning he's not the only dog in the house.
As well, we were told to be cautious with him and small children. Gunnar is a very intimidating-looking dog. But I'm sending pictures of him playing and rough-housing with our kids. He wants so bad to please! I think he just needed a chance.
And here's a little secret~ (don't tell the other dogs) ~ but Gunnar is SCARED of squeaky toys. He avoids them like the plague... For a big guy, who knew?
We would really like to send a HUGE thank-you to Nicole and Jesse at Dogspaw. You are a credit to your profession, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We also cannot forget Carl (Goliath's chauffeur) who took the time to bring him to us. YOU ARE ALL AMAZING! Its sad to hear about all the dogs still waiting for a new home, but every last one of you should be commended for all the work you do to make their lives better in the mean time!
We thank you again!
Monday, 8 September 2008
Hi to all you wonderful people.
Can’t say thank you enough for the beautiful Bailer we adopted from you back in 2007.
Monday, 1 September 2008
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Well, here I am four years after my forever family found me. My family tells everyone that I am THE BEST DOG IN THE WORLD and that they adopted me from Second Chance. I get compliments all the time on how beautiful I am --- must be all that brushing my “mom” does in an attempt to decrease my shedding --- she says that’s my only negative drawback. I love my family, even these annoying kittens they just adopted; I sure put up with a lot. Good thing I’m such an easy going and laidback personality. I sure enjoyed camping this summer and meeting lots of new people and kids anytime I can sneak in the vehicle I”ll go along. Thanks to the wonderful people who gave me a Second Chance especially Sylvia for boarding me till my forever family found me. Thanks for making a difference for so many families who are blessed to have a SCARS dog.
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Monday, 18 August 2008
Turbo (Robbie)
Happy Birthday to me! I just turned 1 year old and my mom says I'm the best boy ever!! I was just a baby when I went to live with my new family and had worms so bad that it took four treatments to clear me up. I'm happy and healthy now though and very, very loved. I will never have to spend another moment living in a dump, what a relief!
My family includes a big brother Rocky, he's a 110lb Rotti and he helped show me the ropes. Now I think I must be a really big dog because Rocky lets me lay on top of him and "beat him up". Things just got even better and more fun because mom opened up a doggie day care so I have been making lots of new friends and get to play my favorite game all day....tug-of-war!!
Thank you SCARS and all the foster families out there for doing the amazing work that you do. Without your help who knows what might have become of me.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
We adopted Heidi from SCARS just over a week ago and she is fitting in perfectly! After the loss off our Wheaton "Sophie" we Welcome another Loving Female into our family to fill the void the that we felt when our sweet Sophie left us. Heidi is a Wonderful little Dog and she seems to like it here! She is still Very timid, and We Realized right away that she hadn't had much of a life. So We are Gently introducing Her to all the things that our other Dog(Zeus) takes for granted, like car rides and going for walks. We would like to Thank SCARS for the opportunity to rescue Heidi! I have attached a recent picture of Heidi and Her Brother Zeus! Thanks Again! and We will defiantly keep in touch!
Monday, 7 July 2008
Hi there!
I met Colleen Good through Edmonton Earthcycle, and mentioned that we got our most recent dog through SCARS. She said she was involved with SCARS and mentioned this update email. She suggested emailing you an update on Soleil so I thought it was high time to do so!
Soleil is a wonderful girl whose name is really applicable, since she has truly brightened our lives. We’ve never rescued an adult dog before, so it’s been interesting watching her settle in. Initially she really seemed to suffer from separation anxiety. She cried when we kenneled her and if we tried to leave her in the yard by herself, she was right at the door scratching to come in. She never let us out of her sight. She scarfed down her food like it was her last meal each time she ate, she scrounged in our garbage, she developed a bladder infection and green pussy eye, and her bones poked out too much for our liking.
We got the bladder infection and green pussy eye taken care of right away through the help of Dr. Steve Marsden at the Natural Path Clinic, and it took some months, but she eventually gained a bit of weight, so that she’s still lean, but a little more healthy to pet. J Today I put my face in her food bowl while she was eating, and she continued to eat slowly and methodically. I went into a garden centre one day and didn’t want to leave her in the hot car, so I tied her up in the shade of a tree. I went into the store secretly watching her from a window, and she waited patiently for my return without uttering a peep!
Soleil is a really quick study. We take her for numerous walks and runs, and she’s learned tricks like high five and shake with both paws, down, stay, wait (at the door so we can walk over the threshold first), and leave it. She heels, sits when we stop walking, and she loves ALL people she comes into contact with, adult and child alike. She’s even learning, through the leave it command, to tolerate the vacuum cleaner and weed trimmer. The lawnmower no longer bothers her at all.
We recently started working with a great trainer/behaviourist on things like motorbikes, skateboards, bicycles and scooters, so that I can take her rollerblading and biking for exercise. The border collie in her really wants to run however, I need some help teaching her to be calm when I’m on my blades or bike to keep us both safe.
Soleil’s boundless energy keeps us hopping and her sweet personality melts our hearts. What more could we have asked for!
I’ve attached a few pictures so you can place a furry face to the name!
Have a super day and thanks so much for the work all of you at SCARS do!
Good Afternoon Sylvia,
I thought of sending you a note sooner but things have been crazy. I saw you on the news getting the Woman of Vision Award. I was very pleased to see this. You really do deserve it. Congratulations!!
Chester is a wonderful dog. I attached a picture of him and my daughter Laura.
Everyday we learn something new about him. He has changed and opened up so much. I remember when we met him in the IKEA parking lot. I just knew he was the dog for us. He was so gentle when Katrina gave him that dog treat. When we got Chester I remember he was at that point of shedding where his fur needed some real good brushing. My husband didn’t really want a dog at the time but he knew that it had become a losing battle. My Children and I were ready. I knew we needed Chester to look his best. So on the way home we took Chester to a dog wash and groomed him all up. We were really not prepared for this experience, After all we did not bring towels or anything. Chester took it well. He hated the spraying and washing but not once did he growl or nip. He did wiggle and squirm a lot though. Once he was all shiny we loaded him back into the van and brought him home.
My husband got home a couple of hours later. We always laugh and say that Cliff doesn’t have an overabundance of soft feelers. He comes from a farm background where dogs have a purpose. Well when he saw Chester he couldn’t help but smile with approval. Chester instantly won him over with those beautiful eyes.
When we went to take him home, you mentioned you were surprised that he got into the van so easily. Well, now he is trained to get into the back of the van or the truck and he loves it. I can’t go anywhere without him. No way could we get him into the small pool for a swim or a bath. Today, he not only got into the pool but he even laid down and rolled around in it.
We have learned that when we are not home he is an excellent guard dog, yet he is so gentle with children. He is awesome with the kids. Katrina (4) just loves him. He doesn’t jump on her and he loves to be loved and petted. It’s a match made in heaven. My older daughter Laura (9) is his main care taker. She feeds him, grooms him and takes him for a daily bike ride on top of the walks and other things he does with the rest of the family. She is also taking him to dog obedience. He is doing wonderful. Of course we have a leg up since he was already partially trained when we got him. We’re hoping that we can put him into agility training.
We can not understand why someone would have given him up but we are thankful because he is an absolute wonderful dog and we couldn’t be happier. Thank you for taking the time to rescue these dogs and thank you to the volunteers who take the time to help you.
All the best,
Della, Laura, Cody, Katrina & Clifford.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Juno (Josie)
We're moving to Vancouver Island in August and she'll have tons of fun playing in the ocean.
You can publish the pictures and her story on your website as well if you want. The one with Juno and Zoe was taken about a month after we got her and the other was taken a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks so much for helping us find this great addition to our family!
Amanda, Cal and Zoe
Friday, 6 June 2008
My name is Hunter and I was one of Nikki’s Pup’s and turned 2 years old on 08 March 08. I saw a picture of my brother Tucker on the web page and since it has been a while since I posted a look at me now update I thought I better get my paws a tappin’ on the key board and let everyone know how things are going!
I have a new house and a new back yard and now since I am closer to Grandma’s house in the country so I can go and visit. There is lots of space for me to run and run and run……..and RUN! I also love to play soccer but there is only one problem. I keep popping my soccer balls. Get a little too excited while playing! I usually run and play so much I sleep all the way home and then sleep the whole next day.
Things are great here in Manitoba. In the neighborhood where we live there are lots of KIDS and boy I love kids. When my family takes me for a walk I get to meet them and they pet me and get me a little scratch behind the ear. The neighbors are great too, a couple of Yorkies and boy do I like to egg them on. They get to barkin so much I just sit on my side of the fence and grin.
I just had a follow up with the new vet and she says I am a healthy 47lbs!!!! I bet my Mama would be proud…..I think I far out grew her at about 8weeks old!
Gotta run, it’s a rainin out and I got puddles to run through. I am sending a cute picture of me chillin out.