I just wanted to drop you a quick note with an update on Addison. She is a phenomenal dog and I feel so lucky to have gotten her. What a ball of fun and curiousity she is!
Addie and Lady are getting along famously.They have become great friends and they spend alot of time prowling the yard and frolicking. Addie is very captivated by the miniature donkeys and the fainting goats. Maybe a little too captivated with the cats but we're working on that.
She is definitely a part of the family now. Totally irresistible with her teddy bear face and her one bent ear. Thanks to all of you and to Diane for looking after her. I'm so pleased to have her and I will make sure she is well looked after.
Thanks for the tremendous service you do in our community.
Monday, 31 March 2008
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
We have had Delilah with us for one year. It feels like we’ve had her for a lot longer, buts it’s only been one wonderful year and we know many more will follow. She was supposed to be our first foster dog with SCARS, but after a week of having her we knew that she was meant to be with us and we adopted her ourselves. We already have two of her pups as our own, Daisy and Duke, whom both have a write up on the Look at Us Now page. They all like to play together, walk together, and now that we are out of town, they have a big ‘ole fenced yard for them and they can run outside and play for hours.No one knows for sure how old she is, but from all the litters that SCARS knows she's had and all the grey in her beard, she’s had a long and hard life up north. Now she likes to lie on the heat vent when the furnace is going or lay in front of the gas fireplace. She soaks in as much heat as she possibly can before we think she'll catch fire and we call her away before she about to start smoking. She gets first dibs on the bed, after we get in of course, and she usually picks her adopted mom’s side. She lies by her mom’s head and snores to her hearts content ‘til the alarm goes off and its time to move. Then it is off to the dad’s side, ‘cause he doesn’t have to get up for a couple more hours, and dreams doggy dreams. (Delilah is doing the doggy dreaming, not dad)
When both parents leave for the day she loves to hop onto the reclining chair by the window, lay with her head on the arm rest and watch the day go by with many a nap in between.
I am sure if she could speak, she would call the SCARS ladies and thank them for saving her and all of her pups from the tough life they were living up north. Now they are off into warm, wonderful, loving houses to which they call their ‘furever’ homes.
Thanks for all of the joyful times we are having with ALL of our pups!
John & Pam Van Der Laan
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Hi, Beth!
Here is our happy Benson with his best buddy, Zak. He is a member of the family ... even to the cats (if he'd just stop giving them a chase). However, they are warming up to him! Having only three legs certainly doesn't slow this boy down. I often wonder if we could keep up to him if he had all four. We love him dearly and he's got a great life now: his own bed, toybox, backyard, at least two walks in the ravine each day, tons of love and, most important (to him of course), good food! His coat is shiny and lush now too! Thank you for rescuing him. I knew he was for us when I saw him on your website.
Joan, Frank, Zak, Benson and the cats!
Jake (Bandit)
It's been only three weeks but I had to let you know how well Jake (formerly Bandit) is doing. He has made a new friend in my male cat Jonesy. The things that cat lets Jake do to him. After being attacked and losing the hair off the end of his tail to a dog I really thought Jonesy would have doggy issues but as you can see by the latest picture, that is not a problem. I can't thank you enough for letting me become Jake's new mommy. Will keep you updated on his progress.
Thank you from Robyn, Jonesy, Thelma and Louise.
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Ben and Mya

Thursday, 13 March 2008
Friday, 7 March 2008
We just wanted to give an update on Harrison. Harry is AWESOME!!!
We are so happy with him and he so easily fit in with the family. His four-legged brother Nanook got used to him fairly quickly and they play constantly. But his best friend is his mom's boss's dog. He goes to work with his mom at a hostel and him and Lasha (a purebred Husky) play all day long. He won't let his mom leave in the morning without him.

We would like to give a big THANK YOU to his foster mom and dad, Olivia and Ryan. You raised a great dog and he would love a visit and wrestle anytime(when you come back).