Hello! My name’s Kimby, although sometimes my new mommy calls me Gizmo because she says I remind her of the cute little alien in Gremlins (I have one big ear that sticks straight up and another that flops over, so I think I’m much cuter!).
Although I love my foster family, my new forever home is pretty okay too! My sister Cassie is about my age and we play all day (except for walks and meals, of course). Here’s a photo of us on mommy’s bed (well, she thinks it’s her bed, but really it’s ours). She even gave us our own bedding because we like to chew it up so much.
Usually, I’m a perfect little angel, but sometimes mommy gets upset, like the time I watched her gardening and decided I could help by digging up the lawn or when I thought grandma’s glasses were for playing tug-of-war. Mommy likes it best when I just roll over for tummy rubs, and I have to admit I like that a lot too!
My sister is a rescue puppy just like me and we’re both so happy to have a loving home. We’re starting puppy classes next week; mommy says it’ll be fun, but I’m not so sure. Sometimes I shake a paw when she asks, but usually I don’t see the point! Cassie seems to enjoy performing her tricks, so maybe there’s something to it after all.
Anyway, it’s time to play again. Thanks so much to my foster family and the nice people at SCARS who helped me find my forever home!
Sunday, 25 June 2006
My name is Chinook and I am having so much fun in my new home. I am making my new family very proud because I graduated from obedience classes, and I help out with pulling the garbage out to the end of the driveway with the sled. I love other dogs and love playing agility. I never know what new trick my mom is going to teach me but it keeps me from chewing up my dads gloves!
Thank You SCARS for giving me a chance because I sure didn't like hearing all those gunshots out at the reserve. Woof Woof to all the other foster dogs and you all should try agility it is WAY TOO FUN! **Chinook
Josie (aka Tanya)
Well, I guess you could call it love at first sight because the first time I saw Josie I was smitten.
It was at Pet Expo and I was manning another booth down the way. Every time someone had Josie out, she caught my eye. She was about 4 months old.
I called home to make sure we all wanted another dog as we already owned two.
Everyone thought it was a good idea. Especially since we'd just lost our other big dog from a car accident a little over a year ago.
She was my first adopted dog from a shelter. All the other dogs we own have come straight from the home that didn't want them into our house.
Wow! my first dog that I get to pick out the name for. She was already named Tanya but we thought she was young enough to learn another one.
At first she was very shy around everyone. But oh so good!
She has such good manners and hasn't ruined anything. (Okay, other than masking tape rolls)
She was scared of men and didn't like to leave the house though. I guess she thought we might not bring her back if we took her out. Her favorite part of any trip for her is seeing home in the distance.
She likes to move stuff. It's not unusual to find your shoe or sock on the living room couch. I guess Josie has her own decorating ideas.
We decided to put her in doggie daycare twice a week so she'd get used to other people and dogs and mostly so she'd run around to exhaustion so she might actually sleep in.
It was quite a battle getting her to like even going for car rides let alone to get dropped off but now she blasts into the daycare like she owns the place. I think the first few days were harder on me. I'd call three times a day to make sure she was okay and didn't want to go home.
Unfortunately the sleeping in part didn't work out as well.
She sleeps with my daughter Brandy (the one in the pic with her) until she gets restless around 5:30am. Then Brandy gets up and lets her out so we adapted and cut a doggie door in the patio door screen that's in our bedroom. Now I'll wake up and there's Josie sleeping next to me with her legs all up in the air and her butt resting next to my pillow. Morning breath just doesn't seem so bad anymore.
Of course she has to see if the other dogs want to play before settling down so she has to take a swipe at them to see the reaction. No dog or human is really is interested in anything other than sleep at that hour so a few growls from all of us gets the message across.
A really cute habit she has is when you pet her, she will slowly put her head down, down, down, until she's turned upside down. Sometimes she even will do a summersault all the while she's gently biting at your wrist with the hugest grin on her face.
She housetrained very easily and picked up tricks quickly.
I call her my "mensa dog".
After receiving such a beautiful animal from a shelter I would recommend anyone who's looking for a pet, to get one from a shelter.
They may have their little quirks from the bad start that most of them had, but with lots of love and a little patience the reward back is tenfold. They are awesome animals!
The only thing I had to learn was to not baby her too much. I realized that I was preventing her normal development by shielding her from everything. Plus she was playing me. She'd act so scared of Craig when I was in the room, but when I wasn't around, she'd be curled up on the bed beside him. What an actress!
So that's just the first chapter of a long and happy life with our Josie bear!
Thank you so much for our wonderful dog! *Barb
Tuesday, 20 June 2006
Kunto (aka Sadie)
Here are a couple of pictures of Sadie to show you her new digs! She is getting along famously with Tofino (on the chair) and Jamaica (on the dishwasher) Lilac, the chow/akita cross no longer lives with us but they get to see each other regularly.
Her new name is Kunto and she responded to it right away. We go off leash every day and she is such a little athlete! Adopting her is the best decision I have ever made.
Thanks again for fostering her and let me know if you want to come and see her in person! Best, Anne
Sunday, 18 June 2006
Lucy & Zoe (aka Kelly & Peg)
Take care, Angela
Friday, 16 June 2006
Sammy & Rosie
Just wanted to shamelessly brag about Sammy and Rosie :-)
We went to an APDT Rally obedience trial this weekend and the dogs cleaned up. They each got one round with a PERFECT score including the full points for the bonus exercise. They tied for High in Trial and High Rescue dog on Saturday. Rosie won High Rescue on Sunday and was only one point off of High in Trial. Pretty good for their first time in the obedience ring and with a rookie handler too!
Needless to say I'm a very proud of them. Both are shining examples of what wonderful dogs come through rescue. Sammy is truly the sweetest most gentle soul (although he sure doesn't sound like it when the door bell rings!) He has excelled at everything he has tried so far including obedience, sheep herding, pet therapy and agility. Rosie has been here only 6 months and is the heart of our household. She is a typical aussie in every way and keeps us laughing. She greets me every morning with a wiggling bum and something in her mouth to show me. She is an amazing competition dog and I don't think there is anything she doesn't LOVE doing together. She was awesome on sheep and is just starting in agility. She now has her Rally -o level 1 title. Sammy still needs one leg but of course already earned his CCGC title last fall (Canadian Canine Good Citizen).
I'll send a pic of them with their ribbons soon.
Thanks for all the hard work you do to give these wonderful dogs a second chance. Keep up the good work! *Heather
Wednesday, 14 June 2006
Jake (aka Big Jake)
I was on your site and thought I would let you know how well Jake is doing.
Tuesday, 6 June 2006
Just thought I would let you know that so far Echo is doing great. She is a VERY good dog so far. It will be three weeks this Tusday that we had her. All I can say is she's a doll. She listens real well and follows basic commands. The only time she go's to the bathroom is when we take her for walks. I think she only went twice in the yard. Between me and my daughter she is getting spoilt.Anyway I just thought I would tell you a bit about how Echo was doing...
Yours Truly.. Phil
We thought it was time for an update on Cuddles, a name that is very well deserved, but one I would not have chosen.

We love her to pieces and I don’t think a day goes by that she does not make us laugh out loud. *Sylvia

Monday, 5 June 2006
Hi everybody, Beau here!
Just wanted to let all of you know that I am settled into my "forever home", and man oh man, I am lovin' it. My Aunt Yvonne picked me up from my Foster Mom's house, and took me to the Airport.
I got to ride on an airplane to get to my new Mom. My new Auntie Wendy brought me, and once the plane took off, they let me out of my carrier so I could give lots of licks and cuddles to the other people on the plane. My Mom and my new Sister Lucky were waiting for me at the airport. Lucky is a big black lab/ border collie X and she said that she came from a shelter too. She told me lots of things about my new home and my Mom the first night, after my Mom was asleep.She thought we were sleeping too ! Ha !
There are lots of lakes around here, and we go to one of them every day. lucky swims way out to get the ball, I don't understand it really, I have waded out to my chest a couple of time,s but the water is cold, and who wants to chase a stupid ball when there are so many more interesting things in the woods, and around the rocks? We have gone a couple of times to a doggie "off leash" park, where there are all kinds of other dogs running around while their owners follow them. I like to stay fairly close to my Mom and Lucky, I do a bit of exploring on my own, but when Mom calls I run as fast as I can to go back to her side. Her friends say I am "gorgeous", not sure what that means, but I think it is a good thing, cause they hug me real tight and pet me lots. My tail has not stopped wagging since I came!
Love, Beau.
Ps- lots of kisses to my Foster Mom Janice and the kids.
Sunday, 4 June 2006
Janey Lee & Scooby Doo
1st is Scooby Doo (aka Homer or Copper)
Mommy and Daddy changed my name when they got me because they say it suites me as I am a little silly and LOVE to eat treats, food (of any kind) and always get into trouble…not on purpose of course J. I was adopted just before Christmas of last year and it has taken this long to write to you! I am a very happy and friendly boy. I especially love my nieces and nephews, I almost vibrate when they come over and Mommy has to hold me so I don’t bowl them over with excitement. I have been to school and don’t usually jump on people anymore…but sometimes it is just so hard to do as I love them soooo much. Speaking of love, I love my Mommy and Daddy and my sister Janey (sometimes). I am a very good little brother and tell on her whenever she is doing something naughty, if at first they don’t hear me I just cry louder and louder….I don’t know what they would do without me! My parents love me dearly and think that I am the bestest boy in the whole world!. I am now 8 months old, but I have really grown into a big boy, about 80 – 90 lbs and very long…just can’t seem to stop eating!!! My nick name is “big nose” cause it is a tad long and I love sticking it were it doesn’t belong….don’t you just love me!! My favourite thing to do is to go for a walk either on my leash or at the off leash park where I can run and play with all my friends!
2nd is sweet Janey Lee (aka Janey)
Mommy and Daddy thought Scooby needed a sweet, shy and timid little sister to play with….boy oh boy did I have them snowed! I am doing well and rule the roost!!! I have my “special” spot in every room and good luck moving me once I have settled. Mommy says that if I could crawl into her skin I still wouldn’t be close enough and I adore my tummy being rubbed….actually, just touch me anywhere and I am happy as a lark!! I go for walks all the time and am a very good girl on or off my leash and always come when I am called…okay, okay…. I sometimes like chasing the odd bird or two and seem to go deaf at that point…but eventually I come back because I love to hear my two favourite words “Good Girl”. It’s all I need. I was a little leery about kids at first, but now I love them and am very good…not like Scooby…. I just wait to be pet and sneak in a few sloppy kisses once and awhile. My nick name is “Reindeer” because when I run I do a little double hop and look like I am trying to fly into the air…its very cute if I do say so myself! I am working on trying not to jump up on Mommy and Daddy, as well as letting my brother Scooby have a couple of pets without interfering, but find this a little difficult at times. I LOVE chewing and digging. I have made my mark in my new back yard by eating all the latis around the patio….Daddy had to make a new railing, but really it was a blessing in disguise as it looks much better now anyway J. My favourite thing is being pet and going to the park to run free, although going in the car to get there still makes me very nervous, but I am trying to be brave.
Thank you to all the people who cared for us when no one else would. Special thanks to the wondering Spruce Grove Vet Clinic who made us feel at home and helped us not to be so scared.