Like to thank you for your help in bringing Sabre "home". We really appreciate the background information and advice you gave about our pound puppy which we found lacking here in Edmonton (Second Chance really cares where their dogs go and about their welfare which is evident when we talked to see if Sabre was a "fit" in our family).
Sabre has adjusted well since August 05 as he is smart (he house-trained quickly although there were some booboo's or should I say poopoo's) and we are slowly bringing him out of his scared shell where he was hidden. We showed him patience and love and he has returned it ten-fold.
His tail is constantly wagging up high rather than tucked under his behind and we have seen a playful, energetic friend emerge. His peeing when excited problem has disappeared. Sabre now has the run of the house even when we are not home and enjoys drives in the car, his daily walks ,sleeping at the end of our bed and bones, treats and chew toys (he is a chewing machine!).
As you predicted Jan, Sabre is quite adapted at "socializing" in dog parks here in Edmonton although it took some obedience training classes and consistency. Thanks again for your help. Hope this letter offers you some hope that you are making a difference
Regards, Calvin, Karleen and Sabre
P.S we kept his name the same even though it sounds like a ten yr old dreamed it up because to us he's always been Sabre
Wednesday, 22 February 2006
Tuesday, 21 February 2006
Ruby Tuesday
Hi everyone at SCARS
It's me Ruby, I have been so carried away at my new home I forgot to write to you. I am having so much fun here, My Mum Emma takes me out to the off leash where I can play with all my friends and then we get to go to the pet store so I can pick out a favorite toy. My Grandpa doesn’t like me to bring home the stuffed toys because I seem to get fluff all over the house. I don’t know what he is talking about I would never do something like that..wink wink.
My grandma is also a foster to many different dogs so I help her by keeping the other puppies out of trouble by playing with them and tiring them out so they sleep.
I have learned so much since I have come to my new home. I am now fully house trained so good my mum catches me in the litter box at times…lol. I eat in the morning and in the evening and I am the only puppy that eats all my food so I always get a special treat. I also look forward to my baths and wearing my new sweater out to the off leash everyone thinks I am just sooo cute (it helps me get more treats).
I look at myself on the old scars posters and I have not change one bit. My legs are getting very long but I am still very slender. Well I must run I just wanted to let you know what I have been up to and I thankyou so very much for putting me in this loving home.
Ruby Tuesday
Thursday, 16 February 2006
Kootenay (aka Freddy)
Here is Kootenay Freddy Smith...
the vet says that he is now 6 months and is 33.5 lbs.
He is an exceptional dog.... he went to Vancouver for Xmas and saw the Ocean for the first time....went on the fairy to Victoria.....visits the ski hill frequently....and goes to the doggy park
daily to play with his friends.
We couldn't have asked for a better dog.
He has been a perfect fit and continues to bless our lives.
Thanks again....Debora and Evin.
Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Hi everyone at SCARS…
It’s me Diesel, otherwise known as Deez, or rotten dog, or an array of other words that I have yet to figure out…
Just wanted to write in and let you know how things have been going for me over the past year.
Food – did you know that you can clean out a bowl of dog food in 33 seconds! It has been done. Can you spell Pepto Bismol!
Ame – my big sister, she didn’t really want anything to do with me, but now she has too! For some reason she lets me push her around now…I want to be the boss, sort of.
Bravery – I think I am brave, however I find from time to time, I too can become very shy.
Gram – I just love when she visits, cookies all around!
Bed – great place to sleep once I can sneak on during the night. I do get told to go and sleep with Ame on our bed, but it just isn’t the same.
Kennel (aka, house) – I have become partial to my house, since I have to go in there from time to time. I actually don’t like anyone else going inside.
Snow – discovered it is just about the best thing in the world next to water – oh and food. I love running in the snow with my mouth open, it’s great until you find the yellow stuff.
Christmas – uneventful, I did get some great toys though.
Spring – mud and rocks are good to eat, not so good when you have to go to the Vet to make sure they pass though. Sticks are good fiber also.
Summer – camping is cool, but the lake is way cooler! I just love to run in the sand and have the water splash up onto my tummy. Wah hoo!
Water – I love the sprinkler and my pool… ahhh the good life… I tried to bring the sprinkler into the house this Summer, got as far as the kitchen and mom freaked out!
Fall – catching leaves before they hit the ground is great, you need focus… which I can only do for a short time, too many other things to do.
Winter again – well, where is the SNOW? I’m waiting…
Well, that is pretty much how things have been, I have a wonderful family who spoil me rotten, I’m pretty lucky, as each night my mom tells us about the homeless dogs and we say a prayer for them.
Thanks again for rescuing me! Diesel (Deez)
Tuesday, 7 February 2006
Hi! It’s me…Buddy! I’m the big handsome guy and that's my obsessive sister, Maude in the other picture. We’ve been together for almost a month now. I’m writing to you from my forever home where my folks think I’m one of the finest dogs ever. Right from the day I first came here I knew that I had come home to stay.

Monday, 6 February 2006
Jacque (aka Jock)
This is Jacque, once known as Jock. He has become a big part of our family (really big!) and we love him very much. Jacque is almost 7months old and weighs in between 65 - 70 pounds and is getting bigger. We expect that he still will get a little bigger as, if left to him, he would eat until he explodes. Jacque also has strange eating habits as he will try to get his paws on most fruit and vegetables. Speaking of paws, we checked his early pictures and decided that he completely decieved us - his paws just weren't that big as a little guy. I think a burgler would have second thoughts after seeing the huge paw-prints in our backyard...
Friday, 3 February 2006
We just wanted to let you know that Moe is doing great and we are enjoying every minute with him.
He has brought Bear out of his shell and they are best buds. He has really livened up our household although the cat would probably disagree. Moe harasses him daily, ha ha! One funny note is we can't believe how much Moe has grown. He's tripled in size and is quite long. He doesn't look that small besides Bear anymore. My girlfriend teases me that he's part St. Bernard!
Moe is a very bright, outgoing/carefree dog and full of love. He's a great addition to our family and we love him to pieces! Even when he barks in the middle of the night!! (What a great guard dog)
Thursday, 2 February 2006
Mieszko (aka Lexus)

Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Hi Everyone,
Just thought that I would send you a picture of Ranger. As you can tell he is still as beautiful and "bear" like as ever. I meant to send them earlier in the month seeing as how this is his month on the calendar and I thought it might be neat for you to see how he has grown.