Season’s Greetings from Julio (AKA Jonah) and Maximus!
We adopted Julio in January 2006, and he has certainly grown up to be a mighty handsome 70 pound guy with a vibrant personality! A little destructive at times (definitely has a wild streak), but compensates well with his endearing charm! He is a very quiet dog who never barks and that goes over well with the neighbors! He has brought many fun and unforgettable moments to our lives… for that we are blessed!
Just wanted to wish you all at SCARS a Very Merry Christmas and thank you for all the work you do!
Monday, 25 December 2006
Julio (aka Jonah)
Friday, 22 December 2006
Annie (aka Jamie)
Hi – Here’re pictures of Annie graduating from her puppy class. She’s doing really well and is a very smart puppy (now young lady dog). She is much greyer than she was as a puppy and kind of brindled like a boxer. She’s beautiful.
She’s a little reserved with strangers but is good with other dogs and is learning more each day. She is a very calm girl (especially considering it looks like she has collie, lab, and boxer (and probably shepherd etc) in her) but loves to play in deep snow. As you know, she is very smart. She knows most of her basic obedience stuff already (sit, down, stay, come, heel).
We’d like to know more about how she was rescued and if you know anything about the rest of her family.
We love her very much. Thank you for all your hard work with these dogs. *Diane
Monday, 18 December 2006
November 28, 2006
Hello again,Willow met the vet today, and she did fine.... she got her booster shot and loved the attention. All who see her say what a pretty dog she is. Last week we weighed her here at home and she was 50 lbs, today at the vet's she weighed 53.8 lbs. Must be from the good eats and all the relaxing in the warm comforts of home.
December 18, 2006
Hello again,Willow is doing wonderful. Here are a couple pics....
I got the calendar, and thank you for the card Sylvia. I am glad to have Willow in my home and in my life. She really is a sweetheart, not to mention a beauty. Have a wonderful Christmas, all the best wishes to you and your family! **Brenda
Monday, 27 November 2006
Hope you remember me, I am big and white, lots of fun, and a gentle giant. I really like my new home, I can run and run and run and run for ever, I haven't even made it around the entire place yet cause the snow is so deep.
My new owners are sucks..I give them a look and they give me a treat, and I got this cool new friend named Thor, he's been here awhile, so he gets the best spots to sleep, but I'm ok with that cause I like the cooler spots.
Gotta go, I see a stuffed animal I must destroy.
Hi all, this is Keith and Sue. Casper is doing great, he has fit into our family very well, and is very well behaved. Our other dog and him get along really good, and Casper seems to enjoy having lots of space to run. Although its been cold and lots of snow, he ranges out and and is always the last to come in at night. Its like Casper has always been here, he has fit in so well. We are extremely happy he has joined our family.
Thanks for everything. Some pics of the little fella.
Keith and Sue
Sunday, 26 November 2006
Syren (aka Liberty)
How all is well with you! This is Syren camping at the lake. Thought you would enjoy seeing a couple of up-to-date photos of Syren (aka: Liberty.) She has grown into our family so well! Honestly, there is nowhere in the house that I can go without this little girl following to make sure that I am not far and okay.
She is so protective and loving towards our children and seems to have an innate alarm clock of her very own because she will sit in front of the window waiting; knowing when each of the kids is to arrive home from school.
She has really calmed down from her puppy state following her year of age mark and although can still be an imp, she is such a good girl! Playful, loyal, sweet and beyond any expectations I had ever hoped for.
P.S. I hope her mama and siblings are doing equally as well.
Hi everybody from scars family; it's me lilly and i'm writing you on my update from my new family. I'm doing excellent for a dog that was used to be outside, I only made two messes in my new home, but my mom and dad tell me that it's ok and they forgive me. I have three boys to play with and I just love it they make me run and I even sit down to listen to a story at bed time with them. I really love my new family and they love me very much. I will let you know about me later and Thank You again Scars to let my new family adopt me .I'm very happy.
Love LiLLy and her new family xoxo
Thursday, 23 November 2006
Monty (aka Joc)
It has been one heck of a summer, but I thought it was about time I gave you an update on my new life. My name at SCARS was Joc, and I was Scotties brother.
In March I was adopted, by my new Mom and Dad and my new BIG brother Oakley (Great Dane), and my two smaller brothers Gimley, and Spud (cats). My new home has been wonderful. I have got a 2 acre play pen that my brother and I love to romp and play in around in all day long (we are inseparable), and I get to snuggle in front of the TV every night. This is only of course when I am not out camping with my whole family, or going to my agility classes (the instructor says I am a born pro!!), or going to baseball games, or long walks at the off leash parks.
Thank you so much to all of the people at SCARS, without you I would have never found my family, and I can't say how much I appreciate all of your hard work and all that you did for me.
Wednesday, 15 November 2006
Friday, 10 November 2006
Thursday, 26 October 2006
I just wanted to let you know that Tash is doing great!!! She is such a gentle natured dog, the neighbours children love her and she is so well behaved. We adopted her about 7 weeks about and as you can see from the photos, she is a very happy puppy. Having the chance to spend the day with Tash prior to adopting her was a great step. When we brought her home a week later our other puppy was so excited and I would like to thing that they remembered each other. Tash was shy for the first few days but has since settled right in. After the first week, Tash's confidence increased to the point where she was playfully challenging her sister and was teaching her how to swim. The pair of them can get into quite a lot of mischief.
Tash’s health is also improving. After her operation she developed an infection. We got her antibiotics and an E-collar and after she ate the first one (I don't know how) we went back to the vets for another. The next day we came home to find that not only had she escaped from her kennel again, eaten her new E-collar and the remote control. It was at this time we decided to stop buying the collars. Her front legs hadn't really improved, so after a few visits to the vet and some x-rays we have her on metacam. She is a new dog!!! We are still waiting for the results of the x-rays but the vet couldn't find anything immediately wrong.
With 2 nine month old Sheppard/Husky crosses in the house we definetely have our hands full and loving every minute of it. Thank you for looking after Tash until we could find her, she is a great addition to our household. Thanks; Aileen and Scott
Friday, 20 October 2006
Maskwa (aka Dandy)
Sorry it's taken so long for us to get you an update on our new best friend...Maskwa ( Adopted as Dandy-February 18 2006).
He was just what we needed to take our hearts out of the sadness we were feeling. After our best friend (Kumomoto) of almost 10 years passed away from Cancer just after Christmas, we were left with a big hole in our lives!!! She was also a rescued dog and never let us forget how grateful she was for that!!! She was full of life right up until she passed.
Maskwa has become one of the family, he is so full of life and has become quite the handsome young dog! He is such a goofy dog (fits right in with us). We get many compliments on him when we are out for walks, looks as well as his good behavior! He is an outside dog with a pretty nice house and yard. He and our cat (Roo) are becoming friends as well. They greet each other at the back door when we are coming or going, not afraid at all!
We just want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing what you do for our friends!!!We couldn't imagine our days and holidays without him! There is something to be said about saving a life by adopting an animal, our lives were saved as well!!!
Thank you again, *Celine, David, Maskwa and Roo
Tuesday, 17 October 2006
Bree (aka Meg)
You all may remember me as Meg but my new mom has renamed me Brianna (Bree). She picked this name because it means 'Strength'; and after everything that I've gone through :first as a stray with my mom and sisters, then my sisters got sick with parvo, but I managed to stay healthy and then the other pups out at my Foster home got Distemper and yet again a came out ok. Now my doggy mom is sick and has those pesky little things called lice, I was just checked out today and yet again I've come out with a clean bill of health. My mom is going to treat my fur lice just incase though. So I think that my mom picked a fitting name for me, oh it also mean Beautiful -which I soooo am :)
My big brother and mean "BIG" brother (85lbs) and I get along great he even lets me take the toys right out of his mouth, he is a sweet heart but I knowthat if the time came he'd have my back :)
I'm doing really well, am loving my new raw diet and getting bigger and stronger everyday. I have lots of energy that I get to burn off playing catch (ya that's right I've already learned that game) and doing other training like how to walk on leash and the basics like sit,down,come. I can’t wait until I am safe to go to puppy Kindergarten. Don't get me wrong it’s not all work, I also get to have great snuggle sessions with me mom, I have my own bed but mom lets me cuddle with her while she relaxes.
Well that's all for now I will keep you updated on my progress, I've sent a couple pics for you to see how "hard" my life is.
Big thanks to everyone that took care of me while I was waiting for my Forever home ! ! !
Monday, 16 October 2006
We wanted to tell you how much we enjoy Cassidy in our family. She is an extremely good puppy and has a nice, gentle manner. She has had her second set of vaccinations and is growing well. We'll send more photos as she grows.
Thank you again for taking such good care of all of the rescue dogs and puppies!
Sincerely, Sandy
Saturday, 14 October 2006
We have had Honey with us now a month and she is an amazing girl. We love her to pieces and are very happy to have her as part of our family. She is so smart and has learned so many things very easily.
We had a long trip home from Athabasca but it was a good trip. Honey curled up on one seat and Ella on the other and that is where they stayed all the way home. We stopped in Lloydminster to let the girls out for a walk and a pee and back into their seats they went for the remainder of the trip. There were no complaints from either of them.
Ella is really enjoying having Honey here, not only does she have a playmate but she now has a partner in crime to blame things on. I tell you these two are worse than siblings, lol. We have a rabbit that we got about 3 months ago and it is in it's hutch in the backyard where it drove Ella crazy for the first two months. She tried and tried to get at that rabbit but listened very well when told no. The past month or so she has left it alone. That is until Honey arrived...the first morning here when I put the girls out back Ella ran straight for the rabbit hutch and started barking and of course that brought Honey running. Well it only took about 5 mins and Honey had the wire on the cage broke and her head in the cage. She did not get the rabbit but when I came out and gave them both trouble Ella sat there barking at Honey and looking at me as if to say, "it is all her, not me!" All is well now though with the rabbit. I should of known something was up as soon as I put them out because Ella never barks so when she does you know there is something up.
Ella is use to going everywhere with me and it is very seldom that she gets left at home and when she does she is a very good girl. Honey is now too getting use to coming with me, so when I do have to leave them both behind they have decided this is not acceptable. I don't know who starts but they have both got caught digging holes in my flower garden area out back (no major damage done), and they are getting better with not digging. They spill their water buckets and chew them up, so now its time for steel pails. They chew up anything they can find that is not a toy or bone. When I come home though they both look at me with sad faces, then look at one another as if they are pointing saying; "she did it!" It is very amusing but a mess I can do without. They have only been left alone in the house for short periods of time but have destroyed nothing. Only messes have been outside so that is great. Ella is very well behaved in the house but Honey I wasn't sure on so it has been only very short periods but I feel confident that she would be fine for longer periods now. When I am home her house manners are great. She does try to get at things but takes NO right away and stays away from anything that is not a toy in the house. She learned very well that toys are the only things that she can chew on in the house and boy does she chew them. Like Ella, she rips all the squeakers out of toys, stuffing is gone in no time and the rope toys are shredded into tiny threads, lol. So needless to say they get new toys quite often, lol.
Honey and Ella respect each other and have had no problems adjusting to sharing a house except when Honey tries to sit in Ella's chair. Ella will share food, toys, treats anything ... but NOT her chair. There was a few growls the first couple times Honey tried to sit in the chair now respects that it is Ella's chair. Ella will put up with lots but has made it clear she is the boss and Honey has excepted that. They have learned to share the couch though. This was the common ground that they found. Ella may not share the chair but they found that the couch has enough room for them both. They each have their own beds in my room and they sleep great. When it is bedtime Honey settles right down and goes to sleep and like Ella does not move until I get up in the morning.
Honey is great on a leash for her walks and great at the off leash park. She has gone to my stepsons football game and just lies there with Ella and watches the game. She does not bother anyone nor does she try running around chasing the kids or the ball. She is wonderful with the little kids that have been around here and everyone that has met her just loves her. She thinks she is a little lap dog though. She loves to be cuddled and climbs right up on my lap and will sit there for as long as I will let her. As you will see in the pictures. The pictures were taken on Oct 9th, I was watching the Eskimo game and she decided that I had the best seat in the house and wanted to watch the game with me, she climbed right up on my lap and stayed there for about an hour when she got to heavy for me. Ella gets jealous but now they have learned to share. I sit on the couch with one on each side of me and they put their heads on my lap and they are happy.
Well I guess I have gone on long enough. There is so much that I could write about but I will quit now. All in all Honey is a wonderful well-behaved girl and we love her to pieces and are very happy with our decision to adopt her. She fits right into our family and we cannot imagine what it would be like with out her now.
All the best to everyone at SCARS. Hugs and kisses to all from Honey and Ella. Take care,Alison
Dixi & Anna (aka Dottie & Glory)
Its been a year since we picked Dixi (formerly Dottie) up from St. Albert, and 2 years since we adopted Anna (formerly Glory). Both puppies are doing excellent, other than the odd taste-testing of various objects including the telephone bill. LOL.
Anna is our very vocal but purely harmless guard dog, loudly alerting us to people, critters and wind. The hair on her back stands on ends when she hears something unfamiliar. She loves snooping around, stuffing her mouth with racket balls and lying on her back (a type of doggy yoga). A far cry from being cold and scared under a trailer 2 years ago.
Dixi has been very quiet. We have only heard 3 girly barks this whole year. Maybe she is learning from Anna how to bark – after all she learnt to play like how a dog should including chew toys and balls. Dixi loves to stretch out on the couch with one of us, sometimes on her back with her legs sticking up into the air (another type of doggy yoga). We have also discovered that Dixi loves to dance – when we move to music, she would jump up to move with us.
Both puppies are such a joy to us, entertaining us to no end. We want to convey our thanks and encourage SCARS to continue their wonderful work.
Murray and Jessmi, Calgary
Tuesday, 10 October 2006
Just wanted to say hi from the land of the midnight sun, and to let you all know I have settled in well.
I am doing so many new things here, and having a ball! Lucky, my Sister, says in the winter it gets really cold.
My Mom says she will put a coat on me, to keep me warm, and to keep track of me against the snow!
Thanks so much for taking such good care of me until I found my new home
Lots of love, Beau xoxox
Monday, 2 October 2006
Marvin (aka Twister)
Just thought I’d give you an update on Kimby. She is doing so well! She walks with her sister Cassie (who came from the Edmonton Humane Society) everyday at the off-leash area in Sherwood Parkand everyone comments on what a sweet, happy puppy she is. You would never know that she had such a rough start in life! Aside from being cute and cuddly, her little quirks are what make her so special: she loves water and will swim wherever she can, including her water dish, the toilet, and puddles (she is usually caked in mud by the time she leaves the off-leash, but fortunately she likes to take baths as well!). It has been trying at times raising two puppies together, but knowing that Kimby and Cassie will have a happy life makes it all worthwhile. And having two puppies to walk and cuddle with is a bonus! Take Care, Jennifer
Saturday, 30 September 2006
Maebe (aka May)
Wow, it seems like only we met SCARS at the Pet Expo. How our lives have changes!
Since I last emailed SCARS, Maebe (formerly May) has really gotten great at walking on a leash. (No more dislocated shoulders). The halty really helped and now she is great 90% of the time on her halter.
She is quite a character, and love chewing on my favourite pillow as well as tearing the garbage apart anytime we turn our backs. But honestly, she is a very good dog. We recently found out she is an olympic level swimmer. She loves water, so we got her a kiddy pool for the backyard. I think she loves that more than treats. She also loves riding in the car and especially going to work with her dad. Everyone there loves her.
She is officially a Pet Smart Beginner graduate and likes to flaunt her tricks to anyone who will watch. She can shake a paw, give high-fives and balance food on her nose without eating it. I know...GREAT self control.
Mae has been the best addition to our family. She is definitely our little girl. We even have a "fairy dog mother" and a "dog father" for her. Every day we think about that first day we saw her (and walked her : ) and realize we made a great choice.
Thanks for all you have done for our family!
Beth, Neill and Mae
Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Here's a little update on Rocky. He was found in a ditch along with his sisters and Scars is now taking care of his mom Junebug.
We have now had Rocky for 3 months and he's doing great! He's grown a lot since the first day we saw him at 6 weeks, now he's 5 months and pushing 35 pounds!
He's in day care twice a week and really enjoys playing with the other dogs and we have started obedience classes.
As you can see by the pictures from when he was a little tyke to now….he sure like to eat! Thanks to Scars for all they have done for him and if Tony gets his way, Rocky will have a playmate soon from Scars!
I would love to know how Rocky's sisters are doing, if you have any info on them I would love to hear it. Thanks again!
Monday, 25 September 2006
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Aug 28, 2006
Good morning Sylvia and everyone at SCARS:
Summer is coming to an end and what a wonderful summer I had. I have been out to the lake with Alison and the family a few times and had a wonderful time running and playing and swimming in the lake. We just got back from 4 days camping in Edmonton. We took a trip there to see family and friends and stayed at the rainbow campground in Edmonton. I had a great time there, but I had to stay on my leash as there were just too many squirrels that I wanted to chase and catch. At night when we slept in the camper I did not like my bed on the floor and took over the table bed. Alison had to put my pillow on the bed and that is where I slept. The second night I even made her cover me; I figured they had blankets I should get one too, lol. A lot of people at the campsite stopped and talked to me and told me what a pretty girl I was and how well behaved I am. I do try, even though I still have my moments, lol. I still get taken for Ice cream once a week and I so look forward to those days. Orange Sherbet is my fav. I have gotten a lot better with my separation anxiety. Even though Alison is with me most all the time, and takes me with her most all the time, there are days when I am here alone and I have got real good at being good while she is gone. I have learned that she will always come back home. I went to daycare a few times but at first I was real bad there. The first time I thought she gave me away but she came back in two hours so the second time I was a bit better. Now though I know that she loves me too much to leave me and I am good for other people. I miss her when she is gone though. She has been teaching me new things and we have so much fun playing our games. I now can sit, shake hands, play dead, roll over, I know my right from my left, and I now do them all with only a hand command and I even sing sometimes. We are still working on the singing still though. When people come to visit I meet them at the door, I don't jump or bug them though I sit and extend my paw to shake their hand before I do anything. Alison tells me that I am the smartest girl she has ever known and swears that I am part human or at least that I must think I am, lol. All it is though is those Scobby snacks, if you have never had one you should try them, they are the best. I don't mind doing anything trick she asks cause I know there will be a scobby snack at the end and they are worth doing anything, lol. I heard Alison and Lionel talking and they are thinking of getting a second dog so I have someone to chase around the yard and play with. I have doggie friends that come over and play but they think I need a friend here all the time. Alison is on the SCARS website everyday so who knows maybe she will make up her mind soon and we will have another SCARS dog. Alison wants them all though and Lionel says only one. I am attaching some pictures of me taken at Rainbow Valley in Edmonton this past week, hope you like and enjoy. Time to go for a walk. Have a great day and lots of kisses to everyone at SCARS.
Love Ella
Hi Sylvia and Shelly:
I thought it was due time I wrote you both to let you know about Ella. She is a wonderful girl and there is not a moment that goes by that I am not happy about having her here. She has bonded very well with everyone here, especially me. She is very protective of me and does not like to be away from me for very long. She comes everywhere with that and me makes her very happy. She is extremely good in the vehicle and loves to travel with me. I just returned from a week vacation in Vancouver, went to watch the Eskimos win the grey cup, and Ella stayed here with my son. She had a rough first day but adjusted well and was very very happy to see me come home. She has gotten real good on the leash and even better off leash. She loves going to the off leash park everyday and runs and plays and listens to every command I give. She has taken over the one chair in the living room and if she wants up on it and someone is sitting there she lets you know who is boss and whose chair it is. I have my Christmas tree up and she was very interested in that all day yesterday, she didn’t know what to think. She tried to go after the decorations but listens very well to the word NO. All in all she is doing excellent and she seems to be very very happy.
I will write again after Christmas and send pictures of her first Christmas with us. In the meantime here is one of her taken a few weeks ago in her favorite chair.
Kind regards, Alison & Ella
Happy New Year Sylvia and everyone at SCARS,
I celebrated my first Christmas with my new family and did I ever have a good time. We had this big green tree with lots of bright decorations on it in the living room. All the decorations looked like they would make great chew toys but I realized fast that they were only to look at. I got lots of presents .. one present was a big rawhide bone, which I found under the pretty tree about two days before Christmas. It smelled so go I just had to chew all the paper off it and eat it. I also got a bag full of orange toys, some of them squeak when I chew on them, I love the squeakers! I gathered all my new toys up and put them on the couch and chewed on them most of the day. I wouldn't let anyone touch them. The green ones were not mine but I took the green bone anyways and hid it with my toys and played with that one also. I can be a real toy hog when I want to be. Christmas Day we went for a car ride to visit family in Prince Albert and I got lots of treats there too. I am very spoiled and just loving it, I give lots of kisses though to show my appreciation. I really love my new home and I have been very good for my new owners, especially Alison, I listen to everything she tells me (well ok almost everything), I still have to learn the food on the counter is NOT for me. I get to go to lots of places with her, she takes me to the off leash park where I can run and play. She plays fetch with me and I am really good with bringing the ball or frisbee back to her. There are other dogs at the park and I run and play with them and I have made a few friends there that I look forward to seeing when we are at the park. I miss you all at SCARS but I love my new home too. I hope all the dogs there can find loving homes like I have. Alison's daughter is getting a new dog from SCARS, Jonah, and I am looking forward to a new friend to go and visit and play with. Tell Jonah that he is really lucky. They love me to pieces here and I love them all back. I think I heard that Alison is going to Edmonton with them to pick up Jonah, so that means I get to go for a car ride to Edmonton too. Maybe I will get to see someone from SCARS that I know. I am so excited, I love car trips. Bye for now. Happy New Year to all of you at SCARS and thank you for all your help in giving me a second chance.
Love Ella
My wife and I adopted Sierra from Scars about 2 months ago and she has been wonderful. She is the second addition to our family (we adopted Tundra as a puppy from CARES about 15 months ago). Sierra was a little nervous of humans at first, but we have been working day and night with her to help her regain her confidence. It is amazing how far she has come in such a short time. Sierra and Tundra are inseparable and go everywhere with us (they especially love camping and the off leash dog park). My wife and I would just like to thank you (SCARS) fo
r everything you have done for these animals, and I know Sierra is thankful for everything you have done for her. We adopted Sierra from Coral, and my wife and I would like to say that she was wonderful to work with during the adoption process. Again we would like to thank you for everything. We have attached some photos of both dogs (Sierra is the bigger one with the purple collar). Sincerely, Ryan & Brianna
Monday, 18 September 2006
Lobos (aka Teddy)
Lobos (was Teddy), who I'm pretty sure is Josie(Tanya)'s brother, is now a gorgeous 10 month-old. When we got him at two months, he was super-affectionate, but scared to go anywhere -- by foot or by car. We'd carry him out for walks and then he'd pull us all the way home.
He loves just about everything and everybody, and even after all these months he still lives in hope that the cats will play with him. They punch him in the face when he comes too close, though. They're not scared of him, they just don't want to play with the giant.
His fur has changed colour and texture, so he doesn't look too much like the little Teddy we took home last December. His personality hasn't changed though. He's still just as sweet and good-natured as ever. We were very lucky the day he came into our lives! **Brenda
Saturday, 16 September 2006
Sadie (aka Libby)
I wanted to send you some pictures of Sadie...she's had quite the summer! She already cruised about 6,000.00 Km and I can assure her car sickness has been cured!We bought a big motor home and took the kids and Sadie on a big trip. Here is a few shots of our super star traveler. H
ope all is well with you guys!Fabiana
Friday, 15 September 2006
Daisy & Duke (aka Audrey & Apollo)
Daisy (AKA Audrey) here.
Had to write and brag about how much fun my brother Duke (AKA Apollo) and I are having at our new home. Yes you read the names right...........Daisy/Duke. I don’t get the big deal about our names, but everyone just seems to think that it is just too funny. Mom always calls Duke first, I wonder why? Mom's nephew tells everyone......Daisy & Duke came from the Lost and Found. Is that where we came from, no matter...........we are just so happy to be together!
Let me start by saying that I am soooooo excited to have my little brother living with me! He is so much fun, and he is such a cool brother.......he lets me win most of the running races and the wrestling matches. Well so he says that he lets me. I just know that I am a wee bit more determined than he is. He says that since he has gotten his cast off, that his leg sometimes bothers him. Really I think that that is just an excuse, 'cause I don’t see that it bothers him very often at all. Far as I am concerned, him breaking his leg just gave him a cute little wiggle to his walk. Makes my mom giggle, so it can’t be a bad thing.
We both love to swim, in the doggie pool, the little lake or the big lake where the trailer dont matter. Anywhere we can splash is a great time! Fetch is a favorite past time, but not as much fun as wrestling. We wrestle for hours.
We love our squeaky toys, the louder the squeak the better, and sometimes mom thinks that we are going to drive dad crazy with the band that we are starting. Still needs some fine tuning, but practice does make perfect! Mom also reminds dad that a squeaky toy is a good toy, as long as they hear it..........means we are not getting into any mischief. He just sighs, and agrees.
Well, that is all for now. We will keep you posted on how things are going in our forever home. Mom says I got to write this letter, and that Duke gets to write the next one.
Till next time.... Daisy
"No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as your dog does."
Thursday, 14 September 2006
Acadia & Guiness (aka Amy & Clarence)
Sunday, 10 September 2006
I just wanted to let you know that Kya has added action and adventure, not to mention loyalty and love, to my life from day one of arriving here at her new home. After recovering from her amputation and then surprising us with 6 puppies Kya has settled into a bit more of laid back lifestyle. She is near completion of basic manners in which she is doing very well. She has also become quite the social butterfly and loves any opportunity to meet new people and dogs. One of her favourite things to do is go down to the river to swim and splash with all the other dogs. What fun! Kya has proven that three legs are better than four, or at least equal to. She is a natural at long distance runs and climbing numerous flights of stairs. Nothing can stop this girl. I cannot imagine a better companion and know that my life is better with her in it! **Nola
See Kya's Rescue Story
Friday, 8 September 2006
Emerson (aka Onyx)
I wrote back you back in October of last year to give you an update on how Emerson (Onyx) was doing since we adopted her. So, It’s been a while.
I felt like telling you again how much I want to thank you for doing what you do!! Without you and the Scars organization, Emerson may not have found the help she needed and the likelihood of her coming into our life would have been lost. So I want to thank you over and over again.
Emerson is doing wonderful. She adjusted like a duck to water in her forever home. We just love her to bits and pieces. She is so quirky and loving and just light up our lives. I thought I'd send you a few newer pictures because I know you had a special place in your heart for her. I just want you to know how much she is loved.
I just want to give you an update on Emersen and send you a few pictures. She is settling in very well. She is enjoying her new sister and brother. And, they are enjoying having her. Emersen plays with her sister all the time. They are rarely ever too far ap

Tuesday, 5 September 2006
Saturday, 2 September 2006
About 4 years ago my family adopted a collie cross puppy from your adoption center. He was only 3 months old then and the last puppy left in the litter. Although I was a little unsure about adopting a dog from a rescue center, it did not take long to figure out how smart the little dog (Buddy) was. He has now grown into the smartest dog I have ever met, mastering obstacle courses, livestock herding and not mention excellent obedience skill in all situations without the need for obedience classes. He has been the best friend a girl could have, and in a few years when I finish my education I will without a doubt get my new dog from SCARS. I recommend to anyone else thinking of getting a dog to adopt from SCARS too.
Thanks for a first class dog, Rebecca
Friday, 1 September 2006
Tootsie & Chappy
I too wanted a chance to put my "babies" pictures on the site, and boast foolishly about how wonderful they are. Both have brought such fun and laughter to our lives, it is hard to imagine what we did for fun before they came along. For such tiny dogs they love to swim in the river, and dig until they are too tired to go on. We hope the pain of their previous lives is just a distant memory to them. The W's
Sunday, 20 August 2006
Mattie (aka Lina)
I figured it was about time that I updated you all on how Mattie (aka Lina) is doing.
She has grown into the most beautiful girl with a sleek shiny black coat and beautiful brown eyes. We visit the dog parks here in Edmonton everyday and she loves to greet everyone, wailing with excitement when she sees people she knows. Mattie loves to chase balls and is learning to bring them back to me, especially if I have a yummy treat as a reward.
Mattie got spayed at 6 months and also go her rear dew claws removed she is a favorite at the vets – they all love her! She is wonderful playmate to Gyro and to the cats Sailor and Bella.
We went to play in the river on the weekend and she loved it. I am including pictures of her in the river and some taken tonight for you all to see how big she has grown and how well she is doing.
Thank you all for giving me the gift of Mattie.
I would love to know how her siblings are doing! **Jayne, Mattie, Gyro, and Sailor and Bella (the cats)
Thursday, 20 July 2006
Linus & Ella (aka Sherlock & Lily)
Just wanted to give you all an update on Linus (formerly Sherlock) and Ella (formerly Lily). They are both doing well, getting along very well - no health problems, doing what normal puppies do. They both enjoy playing with other dogs at daycare and the many children that come into our home. They are very gentle and affectionate however Linus is quite protective and warns us of any strange people around the house. They are both high energy dogs and they seem to keep each other running for hours in our back yard - sometimes they get into the flower boxes but I guess thats what puppies do :-)
Most of the time Linus runs around with a stick and Ella chases him but Ella is quite good a pinning Linus. We have really been blessed by these two dogs and have recommended adoption from SCARs for some of our friends who are interested. I am attaching recent pictures of Linus, Ella and one of both of them. Please pass this on to Fran if possible. **Thanks,Rajeev & Naomi.
Sunday, 25 June 2006
Hello! My name’s Kimby, although sometimes my new mommy calls me Gizmo because she says I remind her of the cute little alien in Gremlins (I have one big ear that sticks straight up and another that flops over, so I think I’m much cuter!).
Although I love my foster family, my new forever home is pretty okay too! My sister Cassie is about my age and we play all day (except for walks and meals, of course). Here’s a photo of us on mommy’s bed (well, she thinks it’s her bed, but really it’s ours). She even gave us our own bedding because we like to chew it up so much.
Usually, I’m a perfect little angel, but sometimes mommy gets upset, like the time I watched her gardening and decided I could help by digging up the lawn or when I thought grandma’s glasses were for playing tug-of-war. Mommy likes it best when I just roll over for tummy rubs, and I have to admit I like that a lot too!
My sister is a rescue puppy just like me and we’re both so happy to have a loving home. We’re starting puppy classes next week; mommy says it’ll be fun, but I’m not so sure. Sometimes I shake a paw when she asks, but usually I don’t see the point! Cassie seems to enjoy performing her tricks, so maybe there’s something to it after all.
Anyway, it’s time to play again. Thanks so much to my foster family and the nice people at SCARS who helped me find my forever home!
My name is Chinook and I am having so much fun in my new home. I am making my new family very proud because I graduated from obedience classes, and I help out with pulling the garbage out to the end of the driveway with the sled. I love other dogs and love playing agility. I never know what new trick my mom is going to teach me but it keeps me from chewing up my dads gloves!
Thank You SCARS for giving me a chance because I sure didn't like hearing all those gunshots out at the reserve. Woof Woof to all the other foster dogs and you all should try agility it is WAY TOO FUN! **Chinook