Thursday, 29 December 2005
Sadie (aka Blackie)
Update #1
I wanted to provide an update on a kitten, Blackie (now Sadie), that I got through Scars in July. She is such a joy to have around and a ham to say the least. She loves to play hide and seek and stalk our feet. Sadie loves to run around during the day, but at night cuddles and purrs all night long. I sent along some pictures of her in an empty raisin bran box that she jumped right into and curled up in.
Update #2 (Dec/05)
Sadie is still doing excellent. She is a feisty little girl who loves to play hide and seek and pounce on anything that is moving. She is a cuddle bug though and loves to sit and chat. I am so happy to have her around and can't say thank you enough for all of the hard work your volunteers do to help out animals like Sadie and so many others. It really does make such a difference.
Thank you again,
Alanna and Sadie
Lola (aka Honey)

Love Alexis, Roger, and Lola
Friday, 11 November 2005
Buddy (aka Flippin)
It's me Buddy (used to be called Flippin ); my adopted parents decided on the name Buddy even though I'm still flippin cute, Buddy seems to fit. I could've been named Moses which was their first choice but apparently it’s very difficult to scold someone named Moses - go figure- uh uh not that I would ever need scolding :)
Anyway I am very happy with my new parents they love me to pieces and spoil me a lot. I've already traveled to Saskatchewan to meet more relatives and was cuddled and played with a lot. I travel very well - nothing to it just sit there and be catered to all the way - oh life is soooooo hard.
I've met my adopted sisters and their kids; boy I tell you, a guy could go crazy with all these girls around kissin' and huggin' a guy - good thing I have my adopted Dad around or I'd probably be wearing a dress or something when the "grandkids" come over. eewww!
I've learned many things - I can "sit" "rollover" "getit" (like fetch ya know). I'm working on my down and no bite thing - little difficult but I think I'll have it mastered soon. They say I am almost house broken so why do I have to sleep in the kennel, can't wait till I pass this test so I can sleep on that big bed with my new Mum and Dad.
Another thing I am learning is that the big oak table and chair set is NOT my chew toy! I was sure they had got that especially for me along with all the other toys.
My new Mum says thank you very much to all of you at SCARS for rescuing and letting me come and live with my new parents. Oh and she says that my name should really be "Tude" cause I have lots of it whatever that means. Bye for now, Buddy
Saturday, 10 September 2005
The pictures of Cindy show her on her favorite couch where she waits for Karen to come home from work so she can go for her evening walk.
The pictures of Zeus are one of the few when he isn't running around all over the place.
The family picture shows Cindy, Karen, Keya, Zeus, Sarah and Sneaker. Sneaker and Keya are adjusting to the new kids in the house although for a few days did have their noses out of joint.
Monday, 27 June 2005
At first we were worried about Chloe not warming up to us given what happened on her first night with us. She was very shy at first but now she is a regular part of our family. She loves to sleep on the bed with us and always curls up on the couch with her favorite pillow. She loves to run in the back field with our other dog and always comes when called. She particularly enjoys the off-leash park and bird sanctuary near our house. She loves her new home and is everything we wanted in our new dog.
You would also be pleased to know that she is very smart. In just a few weeks she learned how to sit and lay down. We are working on “stay” and “heel.” All in all she is a little bundle ofenergy and joy. She enjoys stealing our other dog’s toys to get him to play, and often they wrestle and play together in the yard. She has even been teaching our other dog how to hunt birds, so birds beware….
Thank you so much for everything you did that first night. Chloe is a wonderful addition to our family and we all love her so much. We have attached a picture of Chloe for you to see how well she is doing.
Best regards,
Mike, Cassie, J.D. and Chloe
Saturday, 25 June 2005
I have been wanting to email you for some time about how Peanut is doing. I adopted Peanut a year ago from Sylvia's care. I knew Peanut would need patience and understanding from the abuse she had endured.
Thursday, 23 June 2005
Hiya! It's me Harper and it's been, like a person year since I last saw the awesome people at SCARS!!! Did you miss me? My puppy-but-almost-grown-out-of-puppy person told me that my friend Mayor got a good home. Good thing, 'cause i wouldn't want to see him sittin' at SCARS the rest of his life.
See,Sylvia, I used to have this problem where my people would go away for the day. Even my most beggingest eyes couldn't keep them home. They started bringing tasty things home so I had to play Mr. Nicedog. But some night, I'll be lying in my bed (upside-down) and I'll hatch up a plan.....(Well it's comfy upside-down!) I have another problem. Sometimes me and my people family go for a walk and we visit some friends. They have people and dogs. There are two pups and one older one. But even the pups are bigger than me!!! And they are all girls!!! It is simply nauseating!!! But that makes me think about last summer when I spent a few weeks at a dog sitter's place. Well...they had this cheeky little thing (a chihuahua) that told me I could try his bed out..well I didn't fit but the sitters caught me and took a picture and THEY SENT IT TO MY PEOPLE!!! These people are just so wierd sometimes!
Well, I could go on for ages about my first year. My jingly ball presents for Christmas, my trips to the groomers, the train incident (umm...embarrassing!), the sprinkler thing, oh it's just too good! Well, I can't say it all but I've GOT to tell you! My puppy-but-almost-not person sometimes comes home smelling like you guys! I just don't get it!!! It's like, freaky! I don't know, but I better go. I can't talk forever, so the last thing I'll tell you is that my birthday was decided to be May 27. My people decided. Okay, I really should go! Hope all the dogs get as great homes as I did! See ya! -Harper
Thursday, 26 May 2005
Penny has added joy to our life following the sudden death of our other dog.

Monday, 23 May 2005
Just wanted to tell you how much we love Sammy
He is being SUCH A GOOD BOY-- we absolutely adore him. He has such a wonderful personality.
We had a birthday party for Ben this weekend with 36 guests of all ages and Sammy was the social butterfly. He casually went over to each guest for a pat on the head. He was so well behaved and calm--everyone wanted to know where we got this fantastic dog and nobody could believe we'd only had him a week and that he had been a stray / rescue dog. He retrieved balls and played with the kids and when it was all over fell asleep sprawled out on his back with a belly full of hotdog :-)
I'm glad we took the leap of faith and made him part of our family. He is everything you said he was and more.
It was a cold day with many new people and a long drive from
Westlock to Edmonton. He didn’t want to eat and although he was curious about the cat, he just needed a rest.

Farleigh (aka Sailor)
We have renamed Sailor as "Farleigh" which is near where we used to live in England. It seemed to suit her and she is getting used to it. She is a lovely dog and as you can see has settled in very well. She loves the space we have to explore and has teamed up with Tasha, our GSD, on trips across the field next to us. She has caught several mice in the garden - both before and after the snow melted! When we had snow, she enjoyed rolling and tunnelling with her head right under the snow.
She is still chasing cars which pass our house which is a worry to us and we will continue trying to work out a way to put her off doing that. She seems to want to 'see them off' just as they go past the driveway. She loves walks up the trail in the woods and races to catch up with Fife, our Irish Setter, who goes ahead checking out the rabbit scents. She knows 'sit' now and comes to a whistle with enthusiasm. I think training her is easier because she follows what our other two dogs do. I think she is happy that she is with other dogs - she plays with Tasha a lot but Fife still isn't sure yet about playing.
Our little boy, Rordy, loves Farleigh because she is happy to be patted by him and doesn't mind if he wants to stroke her ears. When he has finished eating in the high-chair and back on the floor, he has been known to pick up dropped bits of food and take them over to Farleigh and she very gently takes the food from him so they are firm friends, which is lovely to see.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that Sailor aka Farleigh is doing well and is happy. I will try to keep you updated and send more pictures. *Liz
Saturday, 29 January 2005
Here is Jake coming home with us on Feb 19/05. Jake’s been doing great since coming home a month ago. I have pictures of him wrestling with Bree over a toy. He loves playing with toys but Bree always has to have the one he’s got. Little Sisters!!!! He also gets along with Harley, the one year old lab next door. He comes over and they play for hours. Jake has a hard time walking after that but he has fun. He showed Bree how to break out of the yard once. I got a phone call at work from my real estate agent telling me they were at the Legion. At least they were together. Unfortunately when Stefan went to pick them up he didn’t think his car ride was long enough so he refused to get out of the car. I had to convince him to get out 2 hours later. I don’t think I have ever met a more stubborn dog!!!! He loves his walks and gets very excited when you touch his leash. He also loves gettin
g attention and sleeps beside the bed at night. I’ve discovered that I no longer need an alarm clock because he wakes me up every morning at 6:00 to go outside and eat breakfast. I could go on and on but then I might be late for work. We love Jake and he is a wonderful dog. We are very happy to have him in our home and so is Bree.
Thank you and I’ll keep you updated. I really hope that someone will give Cindy and Champ the same opportunity. Older dogs are wonderful companions and need a home too.